As a 14-year-old, I had an ‘interview’ for a holiday job with the Head of Personnel, Mr Mattijssen… I don’t remember much about the interview, but it must have gone well because an official letter dating from 29 March 1966 shows that I was offered the job… It even had the Managing Director’s signature…While clearing up the attic, I came across a faded letter from Kok-Ede in one of the old boxes. What did it say?

I have many fond memories of both him and his wife Els.He told jokes and used puns; he always made you laugh. Mr Henk Mattijssen always had a friendly word.
I would really have liked to go in the lorry. It would have been great to sit in the cab, right up high with a good view of everything around you. What’s more, you could go further; I’d never been anywhere far away…
Unfortunately it never happened. It simply ‘wasn’t done’ for a young lady… But one Friday afternoon ‘Mr’ Mel Lieftink treated me to a ride, all the way to… Bennekom and back!